And The Newest Pepsi Drink Is….

4 10 2010

Now that Summer is over, it’s time for Pepsi Japan to unveil their newest Autumn/Winter drink. Coming out on October 26th is Pepsi Mont-Blanc – which will have a chestnuty flavor to it. Mont Blanc chestnut puree cakes are popular apparently in Japan – can’t say I’ve ever seen one before. Each bottle will be sold for 140 yen. I’m quite looking forward to drinking this. Pepsi Baobab which came out during the Summer was really delicious, I enjoyed drinking it.

Mont Blanc Cake

Pepsi Strong Shot – Japan’s Newest Energy Drink

25 07 2010

I wasn’t expecting Pepsi Japan to put out another new drink this Summer after the Baobab flavour was unveiled last month but they have and this time it’s a new drink that supposed to keep you going if your energy is lacking. Pepsi Strong Shot has more caffeine in it’s contents and gives a warning at the top of the can that you must let 15 seconds pass after opening the can before consuming as it’s contains extra carbonation. I don’t know what the consequences would be if you just opened and chugged it down before 15 seconds – your brain might explode ???!!!! The taste is supposed to be like your average can of pepsi except this one has more fizz.

Olivia Mini-Album/New Japanese Pepsi Drink

8 11 2008

I forgot that another J-pop artist I enjoy listening to had a mini-album out on the 17th September so I took the opportunity recently to download a couple of songs. Trinka Trinka is the name of Olivia Lufkin’s newest release. It contains 6 tracks and I’ve only listened to the title track and Rain. I love both of them so I can safely say that this CD will be bought during my trip. I’ve loved her music since I heard her songs on the Nana anime – they were amazing. Below you’ll find the PV to track 2 on the mini-album Rain. Enjoy!

Those inventive folks at Pepsi Japan unveiled their latest limited edition concoction nearly 2 weeks ago – Pepsi White! It’s Pepsi and yogurt mixed together and it’s supposed to be very creamy. Reaction so far hasn’t been very good. It looks like Calpis but I imagine it’s not half as nice to drink as it. I’ll still give it a go when I arrive in Japan after missing out on Pepsi Blue Hawaii this past Summer. I wonder what they’ll come up with next year?

Pepsi White

Pepsi White