AKBingo 6th October 2010 Summary

7 10 2010

We’re back with Part 2 of AKB48’s Autumn Fashion Collection with The Bad Boys and fashion producer Koji Uematsu who starts making fun of Takamina and the bow on her head.

Scenario 1 – A lunch date at a stylish cafe with a boy you like

First up is Tomochin. Given that she’s a fashion leader in AKB48, her choice of outfit should be great and out she comes in a grey/black checked shirt, black top underneath, a black belt, white wooly hot pants and some ugly fluffy boots which I can’t stand. Kasai picked the same boots when she was on the show 2 weeks ago as well so seeing that both Tomomi’s are friends they must have shared fashion tips!! Tomochin also has a bizarre bag that looks like it’s sprouting black hair from within! I quite like what she’s wearing apart from those hideous boots. Uematsu likes her look too but not too much though.

Next is Mika Komori. She looks so cute and adorable in her clothes though one side of her see-through cardigan falling to her elbow doesn’t look that great. Pull it up girl!! Mikapon is also wearing a black and white striped t-shirt, knee-high grey boots, black shorts with a cream see-through skirt over it and a black and white bag with some purple things all over it. I bet Uematsu won’t like it and I’m right. He says the cardigan is for older women like her auntie!!

Finally we have Sae. Hmmm, I’m not keen on what she’s wearing. A slightly multi-colored waistcoat, white t-shirt, greyish baggy trousers, a black bowler hat on her head, red shoes, a nice watch and a black Tommy Girl bag. One thing I will say is she’s different from the other two girls but it’s not my cup of tea. I’d like my date to look more girlie than Sae. Uematsu hates her look and even calls Sae an idiot after she gives her reason for wearing it.

Tomochin wins with Sae the worst of the three. If Tomochin had put something better on her feet I’d have picked her as well but my vote went for Mikapon as the best.

Scenario 2 – An amusement park date with a boy you like

Mayu is up first and she looks very very cute. She’s wearing a white top, white mini-skirt, black knee-high boots and a black heart-shaped bag. Perfect clothes for a date I thought but of course Uematsu dismisses her look saying it’s crap. I completely disagree with his comments. Mayu looked fantastic. He even calls Mayu an idiot too. I’m afraid you’re the idiot Uematsu – stupid twat!!

Miichan is the 2nd girl up and she also looks great in her gear. White shirt, small multi-colored waistcoat, denim shorts, large red bag and small brown boots. Surprise surprise he hates this look as well. Sorry, his judgement is so shit!

And last but not least is Myao. A very casual look – almost like she’s off for a Summer hike in the hills rather than a date!! Myao has a white t-shirt with a design on it, a checked shirt wrapped around her midrift, black Puma trainers which has these multi-colored small stars all over it with pink laces on one trainer and blue laces on the other finished with a rucksack on her back. No way will Uematsu like this and I’m right again.

Mayu wins with Myao the worst and this concludes this segment.

AKBingo news – Watarirouka Hashiritai’s debut album comes out next week.

There’s a PV preview of DIVA’s song Nakeru Bashou which will be on the Type B of the Beginner CD single which comes out at the end of the month. Great song, I liked it.

Next week – Battle Burger Shop antics once more!