Team K Gains A New Member/AKB48 Documentary Movie

11 10 2010

With Erepyon now having left AKB48, it left a gap in Team K so one of the kenkyuusei has been selected to take her place. That person is 17 year old Yui Yokoyama.

Coming out in January 2011, an AKB48 documentary movie will be released in Japanese cinemas. It’s called “DOCUMENTARY of AKB48 to be continued,”. The movie will cover all the activities the group has done over in 2010 such as behind the scenes of their PV singles, the senbatsu events, the concerts at Yokohama and Yoyogi, Kohaku Uta Gassen amongst other things and getting the views of the members themselves on what has been a momentous year for them. This should prove to be an interesting movie, can’t wait to see it.